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Tryeza Rajonale e Konsultimit, Prefektura Shkodër

Tryeza Rajonale e Konsultimit, e aktorëve publik dhe të shoqërisë civile, Prefektura Shkodër, për çështjet e ndryshimeve klimatike. Projekti ECO Friends- Environmental and Climate Operative Friends- Shoqata COSPE, Fondacioni Italian CIMA, Qendren Aarhus ne Shkoder dhe financohet nga Delegacioni Europian. Regional Consultation Roundtables among public institutions and CSOs, Shkodra Prefecture on environment and climate change policies. ECO Friends project- Environmental and Climate Operative Friends- COSPE Association, CIMA Foundation, Aarhus Center in Shkodra and funded by the European Delegation.


Regional Consultation Roundtables among public institutions and CSOs, Shkodra Prefecture on environment and climate change policies. ECO Friends project- Environmental and Climate Operative Friends- COSPE Association, CIMA Foundation, Aarhus Center in Shkodra and funded by the European Delegation.

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