Trajnimi per advokimin e ndryshimet klimatike, si edhe proceset me pjesëmarrje, me 22 Prill 2022, në Shkollën Shën Jozefi Punetor, Rrëshen. Projekti: “ECO Friends- Environment and Climate Operative Friends “ zbatohet nga Shoqata Italiane COSPE, në partneritet me Fondacionin CIMA (Centro Internazionale Monitoraggio Ambiente) e Qendrën Aarhus Shkodër, me financim të Delegacionit te Bashkimit Europian, në Shqipëri.
Training on Climate change advocacy, as well as participatory processes, on April 22, 2022, at the Shen Jozefi Punetor, School in Rreshen. The project: “ECO Friends – Environment and Climate Operative Friends” is implemented by the Italian Association COSPE, in partnership with the CIMA Foundation (Centro Internazionale Monitoraggio Ambiente) and the Aarhus Shkoder Center, with funding from the Delegation of the European Union, in Albania.