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Keto shtigje jane realizuar nga grupi i animatoreve te Levizjes Zadrima Toka jone, ne bashkepunim me Eksperten Svicerane Barbara Haussamann, perreth territorit te Zadrimes, per te zbuluar thesaret natyrore dhe kulturore qe gjenden ne kete territor.  Kjo pune u realizua me mbeshtetjen financiare te Programit te Zhvillimit Rajonal-Veriu i Shqiperise, nepermjet Bashkepunimit Austriak per Zhvillim dhe Bashkepunimit Zviceran per Zhvillim (Donatoret), ne kuader te Projektit “Trashegimia kulturore dhe natyrore per zhvillimin e turizmit te qendrueshem ne Zadrime“, (Nentor 2013-Janar 2015), zbatuar nga COSPE, ne bashkepunim me Nderkomunalen e Zadrimes, njesite administrative Bushat, Guri i Zi, Hajmel, Blinisht, Dajç, Bashkine Vau Dejes.

Te drejtat e autorit jane vetem te Levizjes Zadrima Toka Jone.

The eco trails are carried out by young animators of Zadrima Toka Jone Mouvement, in collaboration with the Swiss Expert Barbara Haussamann, surrounding Zadrima territory, to discover the natural and cultural treasures that are present in this area. This product has been supported financially by the Regional Development Program in Northern Albania, SCD and ADA in the framework of the project: “Natural and Cultural Heritage for development of the sustainable tourism in Zadrima”, (November 2013-Janaury 2015), implemented by COSPE in collaboration with administrative unit Bushat, Guri I Zi, Hajmel, Dajç, Blinisht, Vau Dejes Municipality.

The copyright are only for the Zadrima Toka Jone Mouvement.

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