COSPE Shkoder in collaboration with High Professional School “Ndre Mjeda” Bushat, has organized this kick off Ceremony to present the start of the project titled “Young Montenegrin and Albanian in raspberry crops”, in Bushat Administrative Unit in 19th July 2018, 11.00 o’clock, Vau Dejes Municipality in Albania.
This activity is financed by the European Union, within the IPA Cross – border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020. For the Albanian part the intervention territory is the Vau Dejes Municipality.
Project aims to contribute to the reduction of the unemployment rate among young generation in rural areas of Albania and Montenegro by establishing new and improving existing production, processing and trade in fresh raspberries. The raspberries are known as “nature’s candy”. They are a fruit with values for the health. With few calories and fats, no high-fiber cholesterol and vitamin C, they protect the body from a variety of diseases. In Albania, farmers have embraced the cultivation of raspberries, seeing the great potential of this fruit and growing demands for it, being a miracle for health, such as a farm in Divjaka, in South of Albania.
Overall budget of the action is 271,138.00€, while the EU financial contribution amounts to 230,467.30€.
Project will be jointly implemented by the Municipality of Petnjica as the Lead Partner, while the National Association of Berries Producers Montenegro, High School Petnjica (for the Montenegrin part) and from the National Professional High School “Ndre Mjeda” and COSPE – Cooperation for Development of Emerging Countries Albania (for Albanian part).
Project started with implementation on 01st May 2018, while implementation period is 18 months.
This intervention is designed to reduce number of the unemployed persons in rural areas, to improve entrepreneurial skills among young unemployed persons and persons with disabilities through trainings and introduction of modern agri-technologies, as well as to increase visibility and promotion of the green economy and land management, sustainable development of raspberry production.
Agriculture is a major economic potential in both countries, but underutilized, with low productivity and competitiveness. The project will intervene in the agriculture valorization among the young people.
“Young Montenegrins and Albanians in Raspberry Crops”