Breaking News


 Zadrima  is our land

 Zadrima is our land.

It is the land we were born  in, the land where we grew up and where we work everyday to secure the future for us and our families.

It is a land of olive trees and pomegranates, of fertile valleys and  gentle hills, of great and impetuous rivers,  watched over from the top by the rocks of the Shita and of the Kreshta..

It is the land where our fathers and mothers have lived, and our ancestors before them, for many and many generations. They loved and defended this land, they took care of it,  they passed it on us as our best legacy.

Today the Zadrima, our land, is being threatened by many enemies:  waste which are scattered everywhere, new buildings which are growing up without any rule as our ancient house are getting ruined,  de-forestation and  consumption of the soil, which make it vulnerable to the floods.

If the Zadrima dies, we also die. Our history dies, our culture, our traditions, our identity.  The legacy from our fathers and mothers will be lost for ever, and we’ll have nothing to pass on to our sons.

To defend the Zadrima, to defend our land from its enemies, keep it as it has been for centuries, and make it more beautiful thanks to the new capacities which the technological development is giving us: this is today our duty, which all of us women and men, girls and boys of the Zadrima, are called to accomplish.

All together we can make this dream come true,  and prove our love for our land with concrete actions.